South Luangwa National Park

About South Luangwa National Park

South Luangwa National Park in Zambia is a special place with lots of pretty sights. It has the winding Luangwa River flowing through green valleys and lagoons where many animals live. Visitors can see the wide open grasslands and woodlands with big old baobab trees.

In the eastern part, there is the famous Nsefu Sector with salt pans where it’s easy to spot animals. The northern Nchenia area feels very wild and remote. The Chichele Hills have beautiful views looking over the whole Luangwa Valley.

The park has been around for a long time, starting as a game reserve in 1938 before becoming Zambia’s national park in 1972. This history makes it even more interesting. With its many different landscapes, from rivers to hills to open spaces, South Luangwa is a wonderful place for anyone who loves being in nature and seeing Africa’s untouched beauty.

About South Luangwa NAtional PArk

South Luangwa is a very special safari spot. It lets people get close to elephants, lions, leopards and other amazing animals in their natural homes. Visitors can have real African adventures while still being able to rest at the comfortable camps and lodges. It’s no wonder this park is so popular!

South Luangwa Safari Tours

South Luangwa safari

4 Days

South Luangwa Safari

Lower Zambezi

7 Days

South Luangwa & Kafue Safari

Kafue National Park

5 Days

South Luangwa Luxury Safari

Wildlife in South Luangwa

Wildlife in South Luangwa National Park

South Luangwa National Park is home to many different kinds of animals. You can see huge elephants roaming and playing in families. There are also fierce lions prowling around looking for food. If you’re lucky, you might spot the beautiful leopards hiding in the trees and bushes.

The park has lots of hippos splashing in the rivers and lakes. You can watch crocodiles sunbathing on the banks. There are herds of buffaloes grazing on the grassy plains. Giraffes stretch their long necks to munch on the leaves of tall trees.

Many types of antelopes like impalas and pukus can be spotted jumping around. The park has tons of interesting birds too, like fish eagles, storks and pretty bee-eaters. With so many different animals big and small, South Luangwa is an amazing place to see wildlife up close in their natural home.

Leopard of zambia


  • Lion
  • Leopard
  • Elephant
  • Cape buffalo
  • Hippopotamus
  • Spotted hyena
  • Thornicroft’s giraffe
  • Puku
  • Impala
  • African wild dog
South Luangwa Birds


  • African fish-eagle
  • Saddle-billed stork
  • Carmine bee-eater
  • Crowned crane
  • Yellow-billed stork
  • Verreaux’s eagle-owl
  • African jacana
  • Schalow’s turaco
  • Martial eagle
  • Livingstone’s flying fox
Zambia Reptile


  • Nile crocodile
  • African rock python
  • Puff adder
  • Monitor lizard
  • Helmeted terrapin
  • Leopard tortoise
  • African softshell turtle
  • Zambezi hinged-back tortoise
  • African skink
  • Zebra skink

Best Time to Visit South Luangwa

The dry months from April to October are the top time to go to South Luangwa. It’s cooler and drier then, which is nice for safari activities. With no rain, many animals gather near rivers and waterholes to drink, so it’s easier to see them.

July to October is extra good for spotting wildlife since there’s less green stuff for the animals to hide behind. But this is also when most visitors come.

From November to March is rainy season. Things are green and you might see baby animals. But some lodges close and heavy rains can make getting around hard.

So the dry period, especially June to October, is ideal for classic safari viewing of the amazing animals in South Luangwa.

Best Time to visit South Luangwa national park

Prime Times for South Luangwa Natural Events

Baby Animal Season

(January to March)

During the rainy “emerald season”, lots of baby animals are born. It’s delightful to see tiny elephants, antelope calves, and adorable lion cubs learning to walk and play.

River Crossing

(July to October)

In the dry months, animals often cross the Luangwa River looking for fresh grazing areas. See huge herds of buffalo and elephants carefully wading through the waters – an amazing sight!

Wildflower Blooms

(November to December)

At the start of the rains, the landscapes come alive with colorful wildflowers blanketing the plains and woodlands. It’s a vibrant, picture-perfect time.

South Luangwa’s Climate

The dry season from April to October gets very little rain, with only around 50mm (2 inches) of rainfall over those 7 months. 

Average daytime temperatures during the dry months range from 25-30°C (77-86°F). It cools down nicely in the evenings and early mornings.

The rainy season from November to March sees much heavier precipitation, with around 800-900mm (31-35 inches) of rainfall, primarily from December through February.

So while hot year-round, the cooler, drier months are optimal for comfortable safari conditions in South Luangwa. Just be prepared with light layers for the occasional evening chill.

Climate Chart of South Luangwa
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Min (°C) 19 18 18 16 14 13 12 15 17 21 18 18
Max (°C) 33 33 33 31 29 27 27 32 34 34 34 33

How to Reach Zambia

There are multiple ways to reach Zambia, with the most common being by flying into one of its international airports. These include Kenneth Kaunda International Airport (NBO) in Lusaka, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport (LUN) in Livingstone, and Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport (NDO) in Ndola.

Zambia is well-connected to major cities around the globe through reputable airlines such as Emirates, Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, South African Airways, RwandAir, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. These airlines provide flights from various key airports worldwide, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey to Zambia.

Travelers from Europe, the Americas, and other parts of the world can often find convenient connections to Zambia through major hubs like Dubai, Addis Ababa, Nairobi, Johannesburg, or other regional airports. Direct flights are also available from select cities, making it easier to reach this remarkable Southern African destination.

Getting to South Luangwa National Park

South Luangwa National Park is one of Zambia’s top wildlife destinations, offering incredible safari experiences. Here’s how you can get there after landing in Zambia.

To start your journey to South Luangwa National Park, travelers typically arrive at the main international airport in Zambia. From there, you have two primary options: a scenic road trip or a quick domestic flight followed by a short drive to the park entrance. Consider the season when planning your visit, as wildlife experiences vary throughout the year.

How to get South Luangwa zambia

By Air

Take a domestic flight from Lusaka or Livingstone to Mfuwe Airport, which takes about 1.5 hours. From Mfuwe Airport, it’s about an hour’s drive to the park entrance, and many lodges offer pick-up services for their guests, ensuring a smooth and convenient transfer to your accommodation.

By Road

Rent a car in Lusaka and drive to South Luangwa, a journey that takes about 8-10 hours. Using a 4×4 vehicle is recommended due to road conditions. Alternatively, you can drive from Chipata, which is about 3-4 hours away, making it a more accessible option if you’re traveling from other parts of Zambia.

Explore South Luangwa National Park! Book now for an unforgettable safari in Zambia’s stunning wilderness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes South Luangwa National Park unique?

South Luangwa is known for its walking safaris! Unlike jeep safaris, walking safaris offer a more intimate experience, allowing you to get closer to the wildlife on foot with an experienced guide.

What are some things to do in South Luangwa besides safaris?

The park offers boat safaris on the Luangwa River, where you can see hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of birdlife. You can also go on night drives to spot nocturnal animals or visit nearby villages to learn about Zambia’s culture.

How do I get to South Luangwa?

Flying is easiest! Land in Lusaka (Zambia’s capital) and catch a connecting flight to Mfuwe Airport (closest airstrip to the park).

What kind of accommodation is available in South Luangwa?

South Luangwa offers a range of accommodation options, from luxurious safari lodges with private decks and infinity pools to rustic bush camps with tents. Choose the style that best suits your budget and preferences.

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